K038 Suite No. 2
pour petit orchestre – Suite No. 2 für kleines Orchester – Suite No. 2 for small orchestra – Сюита № 2 для малого оркестра – Suite n. 2 per piccola orchestra
Scored for*: a) First edition (Nomenclature according score): Flauto piccolo, 2 Flauti grandi, Oboe, 2 Clarinetti in La (Si b), 2 Fagotti, Corno in Fa, Tromba in Do, Tromba in La, Trombone, Tuba, Caisse claire, Piatte, Gran Cassa, Piano, Violino I, Violino II, Viola, Violoncello, Contrabasso [Piccolo Flute, 2 Flutes, Oboe, 2 Clarinets in A (B b), 2 Bassoons, Horn in Fa, Trumpet in C, Trumpet in A**, Trombone, Tuba, Snare drum, Cymbals, Big drum, Piano, Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Violoncello, Double bass]; b) Performance requirements: Piccolo Flute (= 2nd Flute), 2 Flutes (2nd Flute = Piccolo Flute, 1 Oboe, 2 Clarinets in A (= in B b), 2 Bassoons, 1 Horn in F, 1 Trumpet in C, 1 Trumpet in A,, 1 Trombone, 1 Tuba, Percussion (Snare drum, Cymbals, Big drum), Piano, Strings*** (First Violins, Second Violins, Violas, Violoncellos, Double basses)
* The list gives the complete catalogue of all instruments to be used; the pieces themselves have different individual orchestrations.
** In the prefatory list in the Philharmonia editions, only one trumpet (in C) is present.
*** Not divided.
Construction: This work is an instrumental suite made up of 4 pieces with titles and Roman numerals, which correspond with the numbering of the works in the original Piano Suite, and which each has individual orchestrations. – The first three pieces of the Orchestral Suite correspond to the third piano series in order, while the fourth piece corresponds to the final piece of the fifth series. All four orchestral movements bear the same metronome markings as their originals, but gain dynamics and technical accidentals specific to the instruments, which were previously unnecessary and unachievable. The first and fourth movements (‘March’ and ‘Galop’) are formally identical to their originals, but in the second and third movements (‘Waltz’ and ‘Polka’) there are amendments made. The Waltz is transposed up a tone from C to D while playing and formal indications such as leggierissimo and TRIO were removed; in the Trio section, there are three alternations of Rubato and Tempo which have been added. The changes in the Waltz from the original are extensions and concern a four-bar introduction in the clarinet (figure 41 – figure 11) which is taken from the first two bars of the clarinet part ( 41+ 11 = clarinet part 1 1; 31+ 21 = clarinet part 1 2), as well as the insertion of two bars from the clarinet introduction ( 4/31) between bars 6 and 7 of the original, or bars 11 and 12 of the orchestral version. The orchestral movement is therefore 12 bars longer than the original (96 bars). As a result of the new introduction, the Da Capo marking had to be changed to a Da Segno. The ‘Polka’ also gains an almost fully orchestrated prelude of 3 bars, the function of which is in essence non-melodic rhythmic scansion. The 7 bars of figure 4 (= bars 28-34 in the bar numbering of the score) are inserted between bars 24 and 25 of the original and correspond compositionally with the 7 following bars (figure 5 without the final bar = bars 35-41 in the bar numbering of the score = bar 25-31 of the original) but less densely orchestrated. The orchestral movement therefore becomes 10 bars longer than the original (40 bars).
Crotchet = 80 (42 bars = figure 61 up to the end of figure 5 10)
(Tutti without Trumpet in La, without Cymbals; Clarinets in B b, Trumpet in C)
Dotted minim = 66 (38 bars without repeats, with repeats 90 bars = figure 41 up to the end of figure 4 10)
up to the first repeat sign (4 bars = figure 4-11 up to figure 11)
from the sign (18 bars = figure 1 up to the end of figure 2)
( repeat)
(8 bars = figure 3 up to the end of figure 3)
Rubato (1 bar = figure 4 1)
Tempo (1 bar = figure 4 2)
Rubato (1 bar = figure 4 3)
Tempo (1 bar = figure 4 4)
Rubato (1 bar = figure 4 5)
Tempo (3 bars = figure 4 6up to the end of figure 4)
Dal Segno al Fine (18 bars = figure 1 up to the end of figure 2)
(Piccolo Flute, Flute, Oboe, 2 Clarinets in A, Bassoon, Trumpet in C)
Crotchet = 96 (43 bars without repeats, with repeat 50 bars = figure 31 up to the end of figure 5 8)
up to repeat sign (3 bars = figure 31 up to the end of figure 1)
from repeat sign (8 bars = figure 1 up to the end of figure 1)
from double line up to double line (16 bars = figure 2 up to the end of figure 3)
rit. figure 3 7-8
a tempo (15 bars = figure 4 up to the end of figure 5 8)
(Tutti without 2nd Trumpet, without Cymbals, without Piano; Clarinet in A, Clarinet in B b , Trumpet in C)
Crotchet = 126 (64 bars without repeat, with repeat 124 bars = figure 41 up to the end of figure 7 12
up to double line (4 bars = figure 41 up to the end of figure 1)
from double line up to Trio (40 bars = figure 2 up to the end of figure 5 8)
rit. e dim. figure 4 5-6
a tempo figure 4 7
Trio (20 bars without repeat, with repeat 36 bars = figure up to the end of figure 7)
repeat (44 bars = figure 41 up to the end of figure 5 8)
(Tutti; Clarinets in A, Trumpet in C, Trumpet in A)
Corrections / Errata
Pocket score 38-3
(without correction)
(without correction)
1.) p. 18, figure 5 2(bar 37) Trumpet: first two quavers e2-g1 instead of e b2-g1.
1.) p. 26, figure 6 5+6(bar 49-50): repeat sign before bar 50 (figure 6 6) has to be moved to bar 49 (6 5).
2.) pp. 26-27, figure 6 8-12[13-14](bars 52-58 [59-60]) Piano discant: throughout con ottava an octave higher to play (8 va) [not only figure 6 13-14= bars 59-60]
Style: The style reflects the grotesque originals ( Trois Pièces Facilesand ‚Galop’ from Cinq Pièces Faciles). The instrumentation, which is different from piece to piece, enhances the caricature hallmarks of the originals.
Dedication: While both piano sets have dedicatees which were also printed in the series with three pieces (the dedication of the series with five pieces to Madame Errazuriz was not printed), neither of the two Orchestral Suites have a dedicatee. Strawinsky authorized a dedicational programme note for a performance in Biarritz on 25th August 1932, according to which both Suites are dedicated to Frau Errazuriz.
Duration: about 1' 12" (Marche), 2' 04" (Valse), 1' 00" (Polka), 1' 43" (Galop).
Date of origin: between 1915 and 1921; the first two pieces at the end of 1915, the last two in the early part of 1921.
First performance: The première took place in 1921, probably in Le Théâtre de la Chauve-Souris à Moscouin Paris, the exact date is still not known; the first performance for which there is proof of its existence was conducted by Eugene Goossens on 16th June 1922 in the Queen’s Hall in London; the first performance of both Suites together was conducted by Igor Strawinsky under the title ‘Huit pièces infantines’ on 2nd Marche 1926 in Haarlem.
Remarks: Strawinsky worked almost simultaneously on the orchestration with the piano version. Nothing more detailed is known apart from the fact that the estate contains an orchestration of the ‘Marche’ for twelve solo instruments dated 10th-23rd March 1915. The Second Suite was in any case completed in 1921 because in the early part of this year, a Parisian Music Hall approached Strawinsky with the request that he produce music for a sketch. That was the outward cause for why he took up the grotesque series of four-hand pieces again and completed the orchestration that had always been planned. It can be seen from the dating however that the ‘Marche’ was orchestrated on 22nd September 1920, but not the ‘Galop’. Furthermore, Strawinsky was also working on an orchestration and the commission came, dated in the early part of 1921, as is often the case with Strawinsky, according to his own wishes. The works were used in the Parisian Music Hall, whether as single pieces or as a Suite is unknown. It is known from Strawinsky’s memoirs that he was later very annoyed by the event because his pieces were only played correctly at the outset. When he saw the sketch a month later, he declared that not much of his music was left. Everything had been destroyed, some instruments were missing or had been replaced by others. The disgusted Strawinsky learnt his lesson and explained that one should never give good work to such institutions because they would, due to the performance or actors, be ‘inevitably mutilated’. The ‘Music-Hall’, according to Taruskin, was a Russian Varieté Theatre which opened in 1920, Le Théâtre de la Chauve-Sourisà Moscou, in which there was a Russian pre-War atmosphere for the home-sick Russians, and with which Strawinsky frequented because he had temporarily fallen in love with the leading lady. Here he got to know Vera Soudeikina, his later wife. The date 2nd March 1926 in Haarlem was the performance of both Suites one after the other as a unit, in the form that Strawinsky had conceived them.
Versions: The First Suite, with the number 2, was published by 24th October 1925 at the latest by J. & W. Chester in London as a conducting score without a number. The performing material was available to hire. The costly pocket-score edition, which appeared in the following year, this time with numbering, was a licence for the Vienna Philharmonic publishers, who took them into their series of Philharmonia pocket scores. The subsequent edition (bound in a fastener) differs from the (thread-bound) original edition by a copyright marking given on the inside title page (1926 instead of 1921), and the lack of an inside-title border and an altered statement of production marked at the end on p.28, and especially the numbering as Suite Nr. 2, stated in the inner title (not in the outside title) and main title. Apart from this, the photograph appears more two-dimensional, Apart from this, the size of the photo in the layout has been slightly altered (9.5 x 12.8 instead of 9.8 x 12.9; the distance between the head and the upper limit of the photo is 1.0 instead of 0.7; difference between the nose and the right edge of the photo is 2.0 instead of 1.8). The portrait, which was evidently either retouched or replaced by another similar picture from the series, appears narrower (the distance diagonally from the end of the nose to the back of the head is 6.8 instead of 7.5) and furthermore is printed in higher definition, certainly in the patterned pieces. The Philharmonia editions were not allowed to be sold in the kingdom of the English crown. Presumably as a result of this, London received no contributory copy. They sold the Chester edition, which was made with the printing plates from Vienna and which was sold by Schott in Germany under the edition number 3470. In this edition, the inner pages, 2 and 3, of the cover were replaced with empty pages and the third page of advertising on the back page of the cover was replaced by Chester’s advertising. The Russian illegal print run of 1967 brought both suites together in one volume but the wrong way round, starting with the end suite Nr.2 followed by the beginning suite Nr.1, thus demonstrating their lack of understanding of the interrelation. – The Austrian printing of the score remained also the basis for the edition by the publishing house Wilhelm Hansen, Copenhagen in 1965 (28 pages, 13 x 18.2 (8°); plate number. J. W. C. 51a). Kalmus in New York subsequently printed both versions. The Ericson version for Concert Band of 1968 is an orchestral transcription of the piano pieces and does not adopt anything from Strawinsky’s orchestral version. – The Library of the United States Army Band in Fort Meyer in Virginia owns a band arrangement of three pieces (March, Andante and Galop), compiled from the two original Suites to form the separate A Stravinsky Suite, (Conducting score 28 pages 23 x 30.5 (4°) without plate number: signature 3949). The arrangement, which has a performance duration of approximately four and a half minutes, was made by Frank Erickson from Spokane in Washington State and is written for 63 instrumentalists (Wind instruments with additional bass strings). Erickson had at this time already written more than 200 compositions and more than 50 band arrangements, and was regarded as a specialist in this area. His arrangement was published in 1968 by Chappell & Co. in New York under copyright and with a strict performance-rights reservation, and could only be sold in the United States. There seemed to be the suspicion there an edition would be produced that would be illegal according to European understanding of performance rights, and which would be unauthorised by Strawinsky in this fragmented version. Chappell sold the Suite in the form of a set of parts with a conducting score ($16.50), as the conducting score alone ($3.00) and for $1.50 as a simplified piano-conducting score (Condensed Score = piano reduction with markings describing the instrumentation; a copy can be found under the signature 1683-R in the library of the United States Marine Band in Washington), and any single part could also be provided for a price of 60 Cents. There is up to the present day no copy of this Suite in the European libraries that has been traced. Erickson referred to both the piano and orchestral versions of the original. Since he amalgamated his arrangement from two suites, a firm alliance to one of the two Strawinsky Suites or the original for piano is not possible. The Erickson version for Concert Band of 1968 is an orchestral transcription of the piano pieces and does not adopt anything from Strawinsky’s orchestral version.
Historical Recording: Toronto 30th March 1963, Massey Hall,Members of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Symphony Orchestraunder the direction of Igor Strawinsky.
CD-Edition: VI/6-9.
Autograph: The autograph score was transferred from the inventory of Chester into the British Library in London; there is a signed orchestration of the Marche for twelve solo instruments dated 25th March 1915 in the Paul Sacher Stiftung in Basel.
Copyright: 1925 by J. & W. Chester, Ltd.
a) Overview
38-1 1925 FuSc; Chester London; 33 pp.; J. W. C. 51
38-2 1926 PoSc; Wiener Philharmonischer Verlag; 28 pp.; J. W. C. 51 a; 295.
38-2[26+] [1926+] ibd.
38-2[48] [1926] ibd.
38-3 1926 PoSc; Chester London; 28 pp.; J. W. C. 51 a.
38-3Strawibd. [with annotations].
38-3[26+][1926+] ibd.
38-4 1965 Chester-Hansen
38-5Alb 1967 Tp; Издательство Музыка Москва ; 29 pp. 8°; 3401.
38-6 1968 FuSc + set of parts Suite Concert Band [Erickson]; [unidentified].
38-7 1968 FuSc Suite Concert Band [Erickson]; Chappell New York; 28 pp. 4°; – .
38-8 1968 KlP Suite Concert Band [Erickson]; Chappell New York; 10 pp. 4°; – .
38-9 1968 Additionals parts Suite Concert Band [Erickson]; Chappell New York; 4°; [unidentified].
b) Characteristic features
38-1 IGOR STRAWINSKY / SUITE / POUR PETIT ORCHESTRE / PARTITION D'ORCHESTRE / Prix 15/- Net. / J. & W. CHESTER, Ltd., / LONDON: / 11, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET, W. 1. // IGOR STRAWINSKY / [°] / Suite / pour Petit Orchestre / I. ~ Marche / II. ~ Valse / III. ~ Polka / IV. ~ Galop / J. & W. CHESTER Ltd / 11, Great Marlborough Street / LONDON. W. 1. / Printed in France// (Full score [library binding] 25.7 x 33.5 (2° [4°]); 33 [31] pages + 4 cover pages thicker paper black on dirty yellow brown-beige [front cover title, 3 empty pages] + 2 pages front matter [title page, page with legal reservations italic > Tous droits d’exécution, de traduction, de reproduction et d’arrangement réservés. / La possession de cette partition ne donne aucun droit de représentation, de location ou / de vente; conformément à la loi, ce droit reste réservé à l’auteur ou à ses représentants. / Pour traiter des représentations, de la location de la partition et des parties d’orchestre, etc., / s’adresser à J. & W. Chester, Ltd., Editeurs-Propriétaires pour tous pays, 11, Great Marl- / borough Street, Londres, W. 1. La copie des parties d’orchestre de cette œuvre est interdite / et sera poursuivie comme contrefaçon. < / > All rights reserved under International Copyright Laws. / The possession of this Score does not give any rights, either of performance, hire, or / sale, all such rights belonging to the Author or his representatives. All arrangements as to / performance, hire of material, etc., must be made with the publishers, J. & W. Chester, Ltd., / 11, Great Marlborough Street, London, W. 1. Any person or persons making unauthorised / copies or duplicates of the Score or Parts of this work, or any portion thereof, render themselves / liable to heavy damages.<] + back matter [3 empty pages]; title head >SUITE / pour petit orchestre<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 3 between title head and movement title numbered in Roman numerals (with dot) >I. MARCHE< flush right centred >IGOR STRAWINSKY / 1921 <; legal reservations 1st page of the score below type area flush left >Copyright MCMXXV by J. & W. CHESTER L td < flush right centred italic > Tous droits réservés / All rights reserved<; plate number >J. W. C. 51<; production indication p. 33 flush right as end mark >Grav. Imp. P. BERNHARD-ERNOULT. Tourcoing. <) // (1925)
° Dividing horizontal line of 2.7 cm.
38-2 PHILHARMONIA / PARTITUREN · SCORES · PARTITIONS / STRAWINSKY / SUITE / No. 295 / WIENER PHILHARMONISCHER VERLAG // PHILHAR MONIA / PARTITUREN · SCORES · PARTITIONS / [°] / IGOR STRAWINSKY / SUITE / pour petit orchestre /°° für kleines Orchester /°° for small orchestra / [Vignette] / Eigentum des Verlages / J. & W. CHESTER, LTD. LONDON / und with dessen Genehmigung in die / ,,PHILHARMONIA''-Partiturensammlung aufgenommen / [°°°] / Copyright 1921**** by J. & W. CHESTER, Ltd. / [°°°] / Aufführungsrecht vorbehalten – Performing rights reserved – Droits d'exécution réservés / No. 295 / [°] / WIENER PHILHARMONISCHER VERLAG A. G. / WIEN 1926 // (Pocket score sewn 13.5 x 18.5 (8° [kl. 8° / 8°] ); 28 [28] pages + 4 cover pages black on grey [front cover title in a decorative circular ornamental frame width 2 cm with a circular vignette ø 1.7 cm of plucked instruments and a stylized face as the middle point in a rounded centred triangular frame like a coat of arms 3 x 3 cm at the centre of the ornament at the bottom and the initials >W< >PH< >V< arranged at the points of a star shape, page with publisher’s advertisements >PHILHARMONIA / TASCHEN-PARTITUREN/ MINIATURE SCORES/°° PARTITIONS DE POCHE<* without production data, page with publisher’s advertisements >PHILHARMONIA / TASCHEN-PARTITUREN/ MINIATURE SCORES/°° PARTITIONS DE POCHE<** without production data; page with publisher’s advertisements >PHILHARMONIA / TASCHEN-PARTITUREN/ MINIATURE SCORES/°° PARTITIONS DE POCHE<*** production data >No. 1. XI. 25.<,] + 6 pages front matter [empty page, picture page with a portrait photo 9.8 x 12.9 > Phot. M. Blackkopf Zürich< looking right as seen from inside the picture itself subtitled with quasi-handwritten cursive > Igor Strawinsky<, title page with centre centred circular vignette ø 2 cm of plucked instruments and a stylized face as the middle point, empty page, page with an anonymous introductory text in three columns German-English-French without headline, page with end [5/5/6 lines] of the introductory text + legend in three columns German-English-French >Orchesterbesetzung:< >Orchestra:< >Distribution / instrumentale:< + notes on performance in five columns French-German-English-Italian >Notes< >Anmerkungen< >Notes< >Annotazioni<] without back matter; title head >SUITE / pour petit orchestre /° für kleines Orchester /° for small orchestra<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 1 below movement title numbered in Roman numerals (with dot) >I. MARCHE< flush right centred >Igor Strawinsky / (* 1882)<; Hinweis 1st page of the score below type area centre >In die „Philharmonia" Partiturensammlung ongenommen<; legal reservations 1st page of the score above, next to and below movement title flush left partly in italics >Droits d'exécution réservés / Aufführungsrecht vorbehalten/ Performing rights reserved< below type area below Hinweis flush left italic > Copyright 1925**** by J. & W. Chester, Ltd.<; plate numbers [text:] >W. Ph. V. 295< [notes:] >W.Ph.V. 295 J.W.C. 51 a<; production indications p. 28 flush right as end mark >Weag.< 4. back outside cover page below the framed advertising block >Printed in Austria<***) // 1926
° Dividing horizontal line of 8.8 cm, i.e., text width, centrally thickening to 0.5 cm.
°° Slash original.
°°° Dividing horizontal line of 0.4 cm.
* Compositions are advertised in two columns with edition numbers from >J. S. BACH< to >HAYDN<; Strawinsky not mentioned.
** Compositions are advertised in two columns with edition numbers from >HAYDN< to >RIMSKY-KORSAKOW<; Strawinsky not mentioned.
*** Compositions are advertised in two columns with edition numbers from >ROSSINI< to >ZEMLINSKY<, amongst these >STRAWINSKY< / >294 Histoire du Soldat /° Geschichte vom / Soldaten †) / 291/292 Ragtime /° Berceuses du chat †) / 293 Pribaoutki †) / 295 Suite p. petit orchestre †)< with miniature cross below advertising >†) Not available in the British Empire< [° flash original]. production indication in connection with production data below framed advertising block flush left >No. 1. XI. 25.< centre >Gesellschaft für graphische Industrie. Wien VI.< flush right >Printed in Austria<.
**** T he copyright statements from the title page and 1st page of the score contradict one another. In the following edition, the mistake is removed.
38-2[26+] PHILHARMONIA / PARTITUREN · SCORES · PARTITIONS / STRAWINSKY / SUITE / No. 295 / WIENER PHILHARMONISCHER VERLAG // PHILHARMONIA / PARTITUREN · SCORES · PARTITIONS / [°] / IGOR STRAWINSKY / SUITE No. 2 / pour petit orchestre /°° für kleines Orchester /°° for small orchestra / [Vignette] / Eigentum des Verlages / J. & W. CHESTER, LTD. LONDON / und with dessen Genehmigung in die / ,,PHILHARMONIA''-Partiturensammlung ongenommen / [°°°] / Copyright 1925 by J. & W. CHESTER, Ltd. / [°°°] / Aufführungsrecht vorbehalten – Performing rights reserved – Droits d'exécution réservés / No. 295 / [°°°°] / WIENER PHILHARMONISCHER VERLAG A. G. / WIEN 1926 // (Pocket score stapled 13.5 x 18.5 (8° [kl. 8° / 8°]); 28 [28] pages + 4 cover pages black on grey [front cover title in a decorative circular ornamental frame width 2 cm with a circular vignette ø 1.7 cm of plucked instruments and a stylized face as the middle point in a rounded centred triangular frame like a coat of arms 3 x 3 at the centre of the ornament at the bottom and the initials >W< >PH< >V< arranged at the points of a star shape , page with publisher’s advertisements >PHILHARMONIA / TASCHEN-PARTITUREN/ MINIATURE SCORES/° PARTITIONS DE POCHE<* without production data, page with publisher’s advertisements >PHILHARMONIA / TASCHEN-PARTITUREN/ MINIATURE SCORES/° PARTITIONS DE POCHE<** without production data; page with publisher’s advertisements >PHILHARMONIA / TASCHEN-PARTITUREN/ MINIATURE SCORES/° PARTITIONS DE POCHE<*** production data >No. 1. XI. 25.<] + 6 pages front matter [empty page, picture page with a portrait photo 9.8 x 12.9 > Phot. M. Blackkopf Zürich< looking right as seen from inside the picture itself subtitled with quasi-handwritten cursive > Igor Strawinsky< , title page without circular vignette , empty page, page with an anonymous introductory text in three columns without headline German-English-French, page with end [5/5/6 lines] of the introductory text + legend in three columns German-English-French >Orchesterbesetzung:< >Orchestra:< >Distribution / instrumentale:< + notes on performance in five columns French-German-English-Italian >Notes< >Anmerkungen< >Notes< >Annotazioni<] without back matter; title head >SUITE / pour petit orchestre /° für kleines Orchester /° for small orchestra<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 1 below movement title numbered in Roman numerals (with dot) >I. MARCHE < flush right centred >Igor Strawinsky / (* 1882)<; note 1st page of the score below type area centre >In die „Philharmonia" Partiturensammlung ongenommen<; legal reservations 1st page of the score above, next to and below movement title flush left partly in italics >Droits d'exécution réservés / Aufführungsrecht vorbehalten/ Performing rights reserved< below type area below note flush left italic > Copyright 1925 by J. & W. Chester, Ltd.<; plate numbers [text:] >W. Ph. V. 295< [notes:] >W.Ph.V. 295 J.W.C. 51 a<; production indications p. 28 flush right as end mark >Waldheim-Eberle, Wien VII.< 4. back outside cover page below the framed advertising block >Printed in Austria<***) // [1926+]
° Dividing horizontal line of 8.8 cm, i.e., text width, centrally thickening to 1 mm.
°° Slash original.
°°° Dividing horizontal line of 0.4 cm.
°°° ° Dividing horizontal line of 8.7 cm, i.e., text width, centrally thickening to 0.4 cm.
* Compositions are advertised in two columns with edition numbers from >J. S. BACH< to >HAYDN<; Strawinsky not mentioned.
** Compositions are advertised in two columns with edition numbers from >HAYDN< to >RIMSKY-KORSAKOW<; Strawinsky not mentioned.
*** Compositions are advertised in two columns with edition numbers from >ROSSINI< to >ZEMLINSKY<, amongst these >STRAWINSKY< / >294 Histoire du Soldat /° Geschichte vom / Soldaten †) / 291/292 Ragtime /° Berceuses du chat †) / 293 Pribaoutki †) / 295 Suite p. petit orchestre †)< with miniature cross below advertising >†) Not available in the British Empire< [° flash original]. production indication in connection with production data below the framed advertising block flush left >No. 1. XI. 25.< centre >Gesellschaft für graphische Industrie. Wien VI.< flush right >Printed in Austria<.
38-2[48] PHILHARMONIA / PARTITUREN · SCORES · PARTITIONS / STRAWINSKY / SUITE No. 2 / PHILHARMONIA 295 / WIENER PHILHARMONISCHER VERLAG // PHILHARMONIA / PARTITUREN · SCORES · PARTITIONS / [°] / IGOR STRAWINSKY / SUITE No. 2 / pour petit orchestre /°° für kleines Orchester /°° for small orchestra / [Vignette] / Eigentum des Verlages / J. & W. CHESTER, LTD. LONDON / und with dessen Genehmigung in die / ,,PHILHARMONIA''-Partiturensammlung ongenommen / [°°°] / Copyright 1925 by J. & W. CHESTER, Ltd. / [°°°] / Aufführungsrecht vorbehalten – Performing rights reserved – Droits d'exécution réservés / No. 295 / [°°°°] / WIENER PHILHARMONISCHER VERLAG A. G. / WIEN 1926 // (Pocket score stapled 13. 4x 18.5 (8° [kl. 8° / 8°]); 28 [28] pages + 4 cover pages black on grey [front cover title 2 empty pages, page with publisher’s advertisements >PHILHARMONIA / TASCHEN-PARTITUREN / MINIATURE SCORES /° PARTITIONS DE POCHE<* production data >Nr. 160< [#] Printed in Austria [#] >IX/48 + 6 pages front matter [empty page, picture page with a portrait photo 9.8 x 12.9 > Phot. M. Blackkopf Zürich< looking right as seen from inside the picture itself subtitled with quasi-handwritten cursive > Igor Strawinsky< , title page without circular vignette , empty page, page with anonymous introductory text in three columns and without headline German-English-French, page with end [5/5/6 lines] of the introductory text + legend in three columns German-English-French >Orchesterbesetzung:< >Orchestra:< >Distribution / instrumentale:< + notes on performance in fice columns French-German-English-Italian >Notes< >Anmerkungen< >Notes< >Annotazioni<] without back matter; title head >SUITE / pour petit orchestre /° für kleines Orchester /° for small orchestra<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 1 below movement title numbered in Roman numerals (with dot) >I. MARCHE < flush right centred >Igor Strawinsky / (* 1882)<; note 1st page of the score below type area centre >In die „Philharmonia" Partiturensammlung ongenommen<; legal reservations 1st page of the score above, next to and below movement title flush left partly in italics >Droits d'exécution réservés / Aufführungsrecht vorbehalten/ Performing rights reserved< below type area below note flush left italic > Copyright 1925 by J. & W. Chester, Ltd.<; plate numbers [text:] >W. Ph. V. 295< [notes:] >W.Ph.V. 295 J.W.C. 51 a<; production indications p. 28 flush right as end mark >Waldheim-Eberle, Wien VII.< 4. back outside cover page below the framed advertising block >Printed in Austria<***) // [+1926]
° Dividing horizontal line of 8.8 cm, i.e., text width, centrally thickening to 1 mm.
°° Flash original.
°°° Dividing horizontal line of 0.4 cm.
°°° ° Dividing horizontal line of 8.7 cm, i.e., text width, centrally thickening to 1 mm.
* Compositions are advertised in two columns with edition numbers from >J. S. Bach< to >Hugo Wolf<; Strawinsky not mentioned.
38-3 CHESTER LIBRARY / IGOR STRAWINSKY / SUITE / POUR PETIT ORCHESTRE [°] / PRICE 2/6 NET. / J. & W. CHESTER L TD / LONDON: 11, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET, W.1 // IGOR STRAWINSKY / SUITE / POUR PETIT ORCHESTRE / I. – Marche / II. – Valse / III. – Polka / IV. – Galop / J. & W. CHESTER, Ltd. / 11, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET, LONDON, W.1 / Printed in Austria // (Pocket score sewn 13.7 x 18.6 (8° [8°] ); 28 [28] pages + 4 cover pages thicker paper linen structured black on yellow beige [ornamental front cover title with a full-page Chester Lyre surrounded by a coat of arms , 2 empty pages, page with publisher’s advertisements > Handbook of Miniature/ ORCHESTRAL AND CHAMBER / MUSIC SCORES / Complete List of Published Miniatures Scores with a / THEMATIC LIST / of Classical Orchestral and Chamber Works.< without production data] + 4 pages front matter [empty page, picture page with a portrait photo 9.8 x 12.9 > Phot. M. Blackkopf Zürich< looking right as seen from inside the picture itself subtitled with quasi-handwritten cursive > Igor Strawinsky< , title page [without vignette], empty page, page with anonymous introductory text in three columns German-English-French, page with end [5/5/6 lines] of the introductory text + legend in three columns German-English-French >Orchesterbesetzung< >Orchestra< >Distribution / instrumentale< + notes on performance in five columns French-German-English-Italian >Notes< >Anmerkungen< >Notes< >Annotazioni<] without back matter; title head >SUITE / pour petit orchestre /° für kleines Orchester /° for small orchestra<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 1 below movement title numbered in Roman munerals (with dot) >I. MARCHE< flush right centred >Igor Strawinsky / ( * 1882)<; legal reservations 1st page of the score next to movement title flush left partly in italics >Droits d'exécution réservés / Aufführungsrecht vorbehalten/ Performing rights reserved< below type area flush left italic > Copyright 1925 by J. & W. Chester, Ltd.<; plate numbers: [text:] >W. Ph. V. 295< [notes:] >W.Ph.V. 295 J.W.C. 51 a<; production indication p. 28 flush right as end mark >Weag.<) // [1926]
° Dividing horizontal line of 0.7 cm.
* Slash original.
The copy in Strawinsky’s estate is signed, but not dated, >Igor Strawinsky< on the right of the outer title page in black, crossing over the frame between the medallion and the lyre; next to the upper part of the lyre, he makes an entry in red >March / Valse / Polka / Galop<, and above the small dividing line in black, but circled in red, an >N 2<.
38-3[26+] IGOR STRAWINSKY / SUITE N o 2 / FOR CHAMBER ORCHESTRA / MINIATURE SCORE / PRICE 4/- NET. / (Revised price) / J. & W. CHESTER, LTD., LONDON / [*] // IGOR STRAWINSKY / SUITE / POUR PETIT ORCHESTRE / No. 2 / [#] I. – Marche / [#] II. – Valse / [#] III. – Polka / [#] IV. – Galopp / [**] / Duration et performance 5 minutes / Orchestral material on hire / J. & W. CHESTER, Ltd. / 11, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET, LONDON, W.1 / Printed in Austria // (Pocket score stapled 13.3 x 18.5 (8° [kl. 8° / 8°] ); 28 [28] pages + 4 cover pages thicker paper black on beige [front cover title, 2 empty pages, page with publisher’s advertisements >SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRAL WORKS / AVAILABLE IN MINIATURE SCORE FORM<** without production data] + 6 pages front matter [empty page, picture page with a portrait photo 9.8 x 12.9 > Phot. M. Blackkopf Zürich< looking right as seen from inside the picture itself subtitled with quasi-handwritten cursive > Igor Strawinsky<, title page without vignette, empty page, page with anonymous introductory text in three columns without headline German-English-French, page with end [5/5/6 lines] of the introductory text + legend in three columns German-English-French >Orchesterbesetzung:< >Orchestra:< >Distribution / instrumentale:< + notes on performance in five columns French-German-English-Italian >Notes< >Anmerkungen< >Notes< >Annotazioni<] without back matter; title head >SUITE N o 2 / pour petit orchestre /° für kleines Orchester /° for small orchestra<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 1 below movement title numbered in Roman munerals (with dot) >I. MARCHE< flush right centred >Igor Strawinsky / (* 1882)<; note 1st page of the score below type area centre >In die „Philharmonia" Partiturensammlung ongenommen<; legal reservations 1st page of the score above, next to and below movement title flush left partly in italics >Droits d'exécution réservés / Aufführungsrecht vorbehalten/ Performing rights reserved< below type area below note flush left italic > Copyright 1925 by J. & W. Chester, Ltd.<; plate numbers [text:] >W. Ph. V. 295< [notes:] >W.Ph.V. 295 J.W.C. 51 a<; without end of score dated; production indication p. 28 flush right as end mark >Waldheim-Eberle, Wien VII.<) // [1926+]
° Slash original
* Below flush left Stempel >EDITION SCHOTT No. 3470<.
** dividing (horizontal) 1.3 cm line.
*** Compositions are advertised (without column divisions ) from >LUTYENS, E.< to >STRAVINSKY, I. [#] Histoire du Soldat. / " [#] Les Noces. / " [#] Ragtime. / " [#] Renard. / " [#] Suite from L’Oiseau de Feu (1919). / " [#] Suite No. Ifor Small Orchestra. / " [#] Suite No. 2 for Small Orchestra.<
38-5Alb [Reprint in connection with Suite Nr. 1, in:] И. СТРАВИНСКИЙ / I. STRAVINSKY / ДВе СЮИТЫ / TWO SUITES / ДЛЯ МАЛОГо ОРКеСТРА / FOR SMALL ORCHESTRA / ПАРТИТУРА / SCORE / [vignette] / МУЗЫКА MUSIC / МОСКВА · 1967 · MOSCOW // И. СТРАВИНСКИЙ / I. STRAVINSKY / ДВе СЮИТЫ / TWO SUITES / ДЛЯ МАЛОГо ОРКеСТРА / FOR SMALL ORCHESTRA / ПАРТИТУРА / SCORE / ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО МУЗЫКА / STATE PUBLISHERS MUSIC / Москва [#] 1967 [#] Moscow // (Pocket score [library binding] 16.2 x 20.4 (8° [8°]); 76 [71] + 4 cover pages black on light beige [front cover title in a decorative frame with the text box contained vignette 1.3 x 1.4 initial >M< with a stylized treble clef form , 2 empty pages ?????, page with price at the top of the page flush left >82 к. < + publisher’s advertisements >ВЫШЛИ И ВЫХОДЯТ ИЗ ПЕУАТИ / Симфонические произведения / Карманные партитуры < without production data* + imprint >Индекс 9–6–1 < with billing of names >Редактор В. Левитнская [#] Лит. редактор Л. Давтя / Техн. редактор И. Левитас [#] Корректор М. Ефименк < and itemized statements of format and origin ] + 4 pages front matter [title page, index >СОДЕРЖАНИЕ <, introductory text without headline and without with acknowledging the original author , legend >ORCHESTRA< Italian] without back matter; reprint pp. 5-34; title head Russian-English >СЮИТА [#] SUITE<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 5 below piece title numbered in Arabic numeral (with dot) flush right [not centred] >И. СТРАВИНСКИЙ / Igor STRAVINSKY<; without legal reservation; plate number >3401<; without end marks) // 1967
* Strawinsky not mentioned.
38-6 [unidentified:] a stravinsky suite / scored for Concert band/ BY FRANK ERICKSON (Full score with set of parts >SYMPHONIC SET with Full Score* $16.50<**) // (1968)
* Fill character (dotted line).
38-7 [*] // a stravinsky suite / [**] SYMPHONIC SET / Full Score / Condensed Score / Piccolo / (3) 1st Flute / (3) 2nd Flute / 1st Oboe / 2nd Oboe / Eb Clarinet / (4) 1st Bb Clarinet / (4) 2nd Bb Clarinet / (4) 3rd Bb Clarinet / (2) Eb Alto Clarinet / (2) Bb Bass Clarinet / Eb Contrabass Clarinet / Bb Contrabass Clarinet / 1st Bassoon / 2nd Bassoon / 1st Eb Alto Saxophone / 2nd Eb Alto Saxophone / Bb Tenor Saxophone / Fb Baritone Saxophone / (2) 1st & 2nd F Horns / (2) 3rd & 4th F Horns / (3) 1st Bb Cornet / (3) 2nd Bb Cornet / (3) 3rd Bb Cornet / 1st Trombone / 2nd Trombone / 3rd Trombone / / Baritone (Treble Clef) / (2) Baritone (Bass Clef) / (5) Basses (Tubas) / String Bass / (2) Timpani & Xylophone / Snare Drum [***] / SCORED FOR CONCERT BAND / BY FRANK ERICKSON / Playing Time – 4:30 min./ The March, Andante an Galop by Igor Stravinsky / which comprises this SUITE are drawn from two sets of / "Easy Pieces" for piano duet at one keyboard. Dated / 1915, the earlier set, con taining the March plus a / Waltz and Polka, was scored for three hands; the se- / condo for easy left hand alone, the primo for rather / advanced right and left hands. Later the composer / reversed the procedure with five more duets having / difficult two-handed secondo parts and very simple / primos, the latter written entirely for the white keys / of the piano. / Each piece in the first series was dedicated to a fa- / mous personality; the March was adressed to Al- / fredo Casella, the Italian composer. Between 1921 / and 1925, Igor Stravinsky undertook the orchestra-tion of all eight pieces, dividing them equally into two / Suites for Small Orchestra. / Frank Erickson, working directly from the original pi- / ano versions, selected the three movements of A / STRAVINSKY SUITE because of their suitability for the / concert band idiom. Mr. Erickson, a native of Spo- / kane, Wash., has more than 200 published composi- tions and arrangements including over 50 original / works for band. A band specialist, Frank Erickson has / been guest conductor and clinician at meetings con- / ventions and concerts in over 30 different states of the / Union, and contributes articles on band repertory to / a leading educational periodical. / SYMPHONIC SET with Full Score**** $16.50 / Full Score, separately**** 3.00 / Condensed Score, separately**** 1.50 / Extra Parts, each**** .60 / CHAPPELL & CO., INC. / 609 Fifth Avenue, New York // (Full score [Full Score] without set of parts [separately] [library binding] 23 x 30.5 (4° [4°]); 28 [27] pages [*] + 1 page front matter [title page] without back matter; title head >A STRAVINSKY SUITE / for Concert Band<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 2 next to and below subtitle flush right >IGOR STRAVINSKY / Scored by FRANK ERICKSON<; duration data 1st page of the score next to movement title flush right >(Timing 1:15 min.)<; note 1st page of the score below movement title flush left >Full Score<; legal reservation >Copyright © 1968 by Chappell & Co., Inc. / Authorized for sale in the United States Only [#] Made in U.S.A. / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED including public performance for profit / Any copying, arranging or adapting of this publication without the consent of the publisher is an infringement of copyright<; without plate number; without end mark) // (1968)
* F ront cover title page unidentified; the cover, which one presumes must have existed and which consists of a front cover title page and adverts, is missing in the contributory copy >THE UNITED STATES ARMY BAND / FORT MYER, VIRGINIA< Signatur >3949< of the >ARMY BAND<, but is probably identical to the cover/folder of >38/45-1<, at least as concerns the front cover title page.
** F rom here, the title page is split. On the left hand side in a box of text, there is the list of forces required, and on the right hand side, the subtitle, explanatory text and the imprint text. The box at the bottom ends at the same height with the name of the street.
*** E nd of the text in the box on the left side.
**** Fill character (dotted line).
38-8 SCORED FOR CONCERT BAND BY FRANK ERICKSON / a stravinsky* suite / CHAPPELL [**] // a stravinsky suite / [***] SYMPHONIC SET / Full Score / Condensed Score / Piccolo / (3) 1st Flute / (3) 2nd Flute / 1st Oboe / 2nd Oboe / Eb Clarinet / (4) 1st Bb Clarinet / (4) 2nd Bb Clarinet / (4) 3rd Bb Clarinet / (2) Eb Alto Clarinet / (2) Bb Bass Clarinet / Eb Contrabass Clarinet / Bb Contrabass Clarinet / 1st Bassoon / 2nd Bassoon / 1st Eb Alto Saxophone / 2nd Eb Alto Saxophone / Bb Tenor Saxophone / Fb baritone Saxophole / (2) 1st & 2nd F Horns / (2) 3rd & 4th F Horns / (3) 1st Bb Cornet / (3) 2nd Bb Cornet / (3) 3rd Bb Cornet / 1st Trombone / 2nd Trombone / 3rd Trombone / / baritone (Treble Clef) / (2) baritone (Bass Clef) / (5) Basses (Tubas) / String Bass / (2) Timpani & Xylophone / Snare Drum [****] / SCORED FOR CONCERT BAND / BY FRANK ERICKSON / Playing Time - 4:30 min. / The March, Andante an Galop by Igor Stravinsky / which comprises this SUITE are drawn from two sets of / "Easy Pieces" for piano duet at one keyboard. Dated / 1915, the earlier set, con taining the March plus a / Waltz and Polka, was scored for three hands; the se- / condo for easy left hand alone, the primo for rather / advanced right and left hands. Later the composer / reversed the procedure with five more duets having / difficult two-handed secondo parts and very simple / primos, the latter written entirely for the white keys / of the piano. / Each piece in the first series was dedicated to a fa- / mous personality; the March was adressed to Al- / fredo Casella, the Italian composer. Between 1921 / and 1925, Igor Stravinsky undertook the orchestra-tion of all eight pieces, dividing them equally into two / Suites for Small Orchestra. / Frank Erickson, working directly from the original pi- / ano versions, selected the three movements of A / STRAVINSKY SUITE because of their suitability for the / concert band idiom. Mr. Erickson, a native of Spo% / kane, Wash., has more than 200 published composi- tions and arrangements including over 50 original / works for band. A band specialist, Frank Erickson has / been guest conductor and clinician at meetings con- / ventions and concerts in over 30 different states of the / Union, and contributes articles on band repertory to / a leading educational periodical. / SYMPHONIC SET with Full Score***** $16.50 / Full Score, separately***** 3.00 / Condensed Score, separately***** 1.50 / Extra Parts, each***** .60 / CHAPPELL & CO., INC. / 609 Fifth Avenue, New York // (Condensed Score without set of parts [library binding] 23 x 30,5 (4° [4°]); 10 [9] pages + 4 cover pages [ornamental front cover page*, 2 empty pages, page with publishers >EDITION MUSICUS – new york< advertising >MAURICE RAVEL<******] + 1 page front matter [title page] without back matter; title head >A STRAVINSKY SUITE / for Concert Band<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 2 next to and below subtitle flush right >IGOR STRAVINSKY / Scored by FRANK ERICKSON<; Ausgabenvermerk 1. Notentextseite zwischen Autorenangabe und Satzbezeichnung linksbündig >Condensed Score<; Spieldauerangabe 1. Notentextseite neben Satzbezeichnung rechtsbündig >(Timing 1:15 min.)<; Rechtsschutzvorbehalt in Verbindung mit Herstellungshinweis 1. Notentextseite unterhalb Notenspiegel mittig zentriert >Copyright © 1968 by Chappell & Co., Inc. / Authorized for sale in the United States Only [#] Made in U.S.A. / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED including public performance for profit / Any copying, arranging or adapting of this publication without the consent of the publisher is an infringement of copyright<; ohne Platten-Nummer; ohne Endevermerk) // (1968)
* Filled-in drawing, right-orientated, of an orthodox church with many towers with a 14.5cm base, the main tower of which crosses the title at the designated point.
** The copy in the Marine Band Library with signature >1683-R< contains an illegible, crossed-out entry under the first line and a typewritten entry >PRC PERTY CF CAPT HARPHAM< at the marked point, of which the final vowel could also be read as /.
*** From here, the title page is split. It contains in a text box on the left-hand side the list of forces required, and on the right-hand side the texts of the subtitle, commentary and legal notice. The lower box finishes at the same height with the name of the street.
**** End of the text in the box on the left side.
***** Fill character (dotted line).
****** Contains twelve editions with the prices of Ravel’s Pavane.
38-9 [unidentified] a stravinsky suite / scored for Concert band/ BY FRANK ERICKSON (Set of additional parts >Extra Parts, each* .60<**) // (1968)
* Fill character (dotted line).
** ® 38/45-2 and 38/45-3.
K Catalog: Annotated Catalog of Works and Work Editions of Igor Strawinsky till 1971, revised version 2014 and ongoing, by Helmut Kirchmeyer.
© Helmut Kirchmeyer. All rights reserved.
http://www.kcatalog.org and http://www.kcatalog.net