KN13 Arrangement of a Prélude by Anatole Ljadov

deutsch KN13 Bearbeitung eines Präludium von Anatole Ljadow

KN13 [1915]

[Arrangement of a Prélude by Anatole Ljadov]

Remarks: In 1915, Strawinsky orchestrated Anatole Ljadov’s 3rd Prelude from the latter’s Opus 11 for the Contes Russes ballet. Ljadov was one of the most gifted Russian composers. He suffered from depression, which crippled his willpower. His contemporaries were quick to interpret this as laziness. He was thrown out of the St. Petersburg Conservatory in 1876 for this laziness, but was readmitted in 1878. Diaghilev had commissioned this classic Russian Oblomov with the composition of his Firebird ballet. Ljadov however could not get to grips with the project. The commission therefore passed to Strawinsky, who had brought himself to Diaghilev’s attention by means of several orchestrations and his early orchestral works. The autograph score of the Ljadov orchestration is today located in the National Library in Paris.

K Cat­a­log: Anno­tated Cat­a­log of Works and Work Edi­tions of Igor Straw­in­sky till 1971, revised version 2014 and ongoing, by Hel­mut Kirch­meyer.
© Hel­mut Kirch­meyer. All rights reserved. and